Welcome to Radiation Reaction Chemistry Group Website!


Radiation Reaction Chemistry Group

Basic Chemistry Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

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Group photo @Higashi-Hiroshima campus  March 29, 2023


2023/01/15 Welcome new lab member - Triyono Basuki.
2023/11/16 We held a farewell party for Habibur.
2023/09/08 Participation in International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect.
2023/03/23 Students Receive Awards.
2023/03/23 The 2022 Graduation Ceremony was held.
2023/03/01 Welcome a new lab member - Koki Yoshida.
2022/12/16~17 Participation in The 19th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium.
2022/09/20 The 2022 Autumn Term Graduation Ceremony was held.
2022/09/09 Participation in "Interim Storage Facility Tour".
2022/08/22 Welcome new lab member - Triyono Basuki.
2022/08/03 Participation in "Knowledge Sharing Webinar".
2022/05/23~06/17 Habibur(D3) has joined an internship program at the Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
2022/05/09~06/03 Herry(D3) has joined an internship program at the Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University..
2022/03/23 The 2021 Graduation Ceremony was held.


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  • 1-4-2 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan
  • TEL +81-82-424-6291
  • FAX +81-82-424-0700
  • ricentr@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

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